When I was in high school, a friend and I ventured down a creek -- which ran from a lake to a bay -- along which we spent two nights on our journey. Having taken along a small transistor radio, we were alerted by the news of thundershowers coming our second night out. We had taken sleeping bags, food, and some … [Read more...] about ROCK SOLID!
Jesus had spent a day teaching and then time explaining and giving more parables to His disciples. (Mark 4:1-34) When evening came, urging the disciples to cross to the other side, they left the others and got into the boat. (Mark 4:35-36) We then read. . … [Read more...] about PEACE! BE STILL!
“Love Thy Neighbor!” Those words are sometimes seen on posters or banners. At times they have even been shouted out! And citing Leviticus 19:18, Jesus drew attention to the command’s significance. We are to love our neighbor. We have been called to love, but is what is called loving always the same? Understanding this command as secondary to another command … [Read more...] about CALLED TO LOVE!
When I think of “trailblazers”, what comes to mind are stories I have read of the pioneers who headed west across America, creating the routes others would eventually follow. Where some might have seen no possible way, others forged onward around and over the obstacles that lay between them and their desired destination. … [Read more...] about TRAILBLAZER!
There are seemingly little things which can really be big things. For example, a simple smile directed at someone can help change a frown into a huge smile on their face. A simple “Hello” when passing another has the potential to change their disposition as they recognize they have been noticed. Simply saying “Thank you” can make even the usual actions … [Read more...] about BIG LITTLE THINGS!