Here we are the last day of 2024. Now, whether we are considering it an end or a beginning is a matter of perspective. What marks ours as we consider this moment? As we wonder, perhaps, how quickly the days sometimes seem to go by, one thing we learn through life is there…
Strong Faith at a Young Age
When we are teenagers, we might not think about our future and our faith, until a trial happens. At a young adult age, I learned that as a Christian not everything is going to go perfectly smooth. You might ask yourself, “Is having a strong faith important?” Yes, it is essential for your continued walk…
I am Weak but Thou Art Strong!
It took seven years of living as a wild animal before Nebuchadnezzar knew “that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men” and before he humbled himself (Dan 4). Belshazzer knew of Nebuchadnezzar’s humility and still did not learn (Dan 5:22). Oh that men would learn that when they humble themselves before the hand…
But What if I Fail?
There is a famous quote that is attributed to the poet Erin Hanson that goes like this; “What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?” The fear of failure or the fear of falling short is one that often holds us back. We may not try out for a certain sport…
Have things happened to you and you wonder why me and/or why now? When you are having troubles do you want it to hurry and end? Our trials are meant to help us grow in knowledge. We need to be praying during these times for God to help us learn from the trial such as…
Growing in Faith Through Tribulations
When we truly love someone, we want a genuine and close relationship with that person. Similarly, God loves every one of us deeply, and He wants a genuine relationship with us. A truly loving and genuine relationship cannot stem from a place of control. Thankfully, the Lord thoughtfully chose to give us free will, thus…
What are Trials and Tribulations?
Words mean things but sometimes we pass over a word or phrase and not give it much thought. You may have heard of “Trials and Tribulations”. These always seem to go together. What do they mean however? Trials give us the idea of trying times where your will, emotions, and ability are all tested. Think…
GREAT DIVIDE! (Part 2 of 2)
Yesterday we noted that both opinions and truth can be divisive. However, the truth must be sought out and stood upon for our life and hope to rest on a secure foundation leading to our eternal hope. We also considered a quote of which we pondered some thoughts relative to the first part. Today,…
GREAT DIVIDE! (Part 1 of 2)
Opinions can be divisive. Differing views can separate close friends and even family members. We especially see this in the arena of politics and religion. However — due to some not wanting to acknowledge absolutes or being unwilling to love the truth (note 2 Thessalonians 2:10) — truth can be divisive as well. So…
Webster’s defines reputation – “what people think and say the character of a person or thing is; character.” Reputation is used 24 hours a day. You judge people, and sometimes you don’t even know it. It is human nature to judge. Everyone gets judged at some point in his or her lives, which gives a…
Things I Have Heard
In James 3:8, it says that the tongue cannot be tamed.—”But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” If you live in most normal places, you will hear many people cursing. Some people don’t have the guts to speak up. You know you really should. Don’t you…
Do I do what I do because I want to look good to you or to gain your respect? Or is the manner in which I go about my daily life because I love the Lord above all? What is it with you? When Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, He went…
Being the Temple of God
All Christians have a responsibility – to keep the temple of God clean and pure. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 it says, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with…
A “plumb line” is a cord with a weight attached to one end so as to dangle freely for determining an exact vertical standing. It is used to ensure while building upward that the vertical is straight and not leaning. In being used, the “plumb line” doesn’t change or shift according to the desires…
You have probably heard of the issue about pronouns lately. Whether a male should be called he or him, or if he prefers to identify as female, she or her. A female might prefer he or him over she or her. Or the person, whether male or female at birth, might prefer the pronoun, they…
Defending the Truth: Prove God
You probably have been approached by people who say, “Prove God!” I think most of these are not the least bit interested in us “proving God” to them. There is overwhelming proof for the existence of God. Some think we are only limited to the biblical text. However, His existence can be examined and proven…
Summer Temptations
It’s that time of year once again. The days are longer, the temperatures rise, and, of course, the best part – NO SCHOOL! But, this is also a time to reflect on what God expects from us. The summer season is full of fun, but also a time of sinful temptations. We as Christians need…
Remember Now the Creator in Your Youth…
While in my teens I knew that the work the church was to perform was important. Iwanted more people to learn of Jesus and become faithful, mature members. I wanted thechurch to thrive in every essential way. However, I mistakenly thought thataccomplishing this was the work of the “grown” men and women in the church.…
If Jesus Came to your House…
If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you’d do. Oh, I know you’d give your nicest room to such an honored guest And all the food you’d serve to Him would be the very best. And you’d keep assuring Him you’re glad to…
Would I be Called a Christian?
Would I be called a Christian if everybody knew My secret thoughts and feelings and everything I do? Oh, would they see the likeness of Christ in me each day? Oh, would they hear Him speaking in every word I say? Would I be called a Christian if everybody could know That I am found…