There are those who make a fool of themselves, but in so doing may embarrass their family and others around them. Though we live in a world where many feel the right to live life however they choose, they need to come to realize how personal choices can still have an impact on others. Because we live in a world among others our life can really never be only about ourselves. The sphere of our life not only touches the life sphere of others, but also often overlaps it in some respects.
David expressed. . .
“(6) Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me, O Lord God of hosts; let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor through me, O God of Israel.” (Psalm 69:6 ESV)
David did not claim to be sinless but acknowledged God’s awareness of the folly and wrongs in his life. (Psalm 69:5) However, his heart’s aim was to not become the reason for the shame and dishonor that might be experienced by others due to his own actions. He understood the reality of the impact his own actions and choices could have on others.
Something important for us to remember as Christians is that we do not cease to be the church when we are apart from the assembly of the church. We are still members of the Lord’s body and remain the church (the called out of this world) as we live life among the world. How we live and interact with others will be a reflection not only on us, but also on Christ and His church. Therefore, may neither His name nor the name of our God be blasphemed among the world because of our actions. (Romans 2:24) Instead, may the goodness of our life provide reason for others to give glory to God (Matthew 5:16) as we always aim to live pleasing to Him!
(“teEn-MAIL” is sent out daily by Carl Hanson, preacher for the Church of Christ in Port Townsend, Washington, USA, located at 230 A Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368. Come visit us if in the area.)