There are people who have trust issues. They have been treated in ways causing them to no longer feel they can trust anyone. Such is a sad thing when it comes to relationships. Hopefully we all have some very healthy relationships where we can afford to be vulnerable because we know we are accepted and loved by those who will aid in our continued growth and maturity. However, do we have a trust issue with God? What do the actions of our life reveal?
Solomon wrote. . .
“(24) One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” (Proverbs 11:24 ESV)
What a strange paradox. However, are we amazed to see how true it has been proven at times? The intent of some does not work in the way they might think, such as feeling they must clutch to all they have in order to make it, while others who may not have much in comparison are seen to be among the most generous. This is what Jesus drew the attention to when the widow gave all she had. (Mark 12:42-44; Luke 21:2-4) Remember also how the Macedonian Christians were noted for their rich generosity as they gave out of their poverty. (2 Corinthians 8:1-3) What was foundational to the generosity of the Macedonians was they had first given themselves to the Lord. (2 Corinthians 8:5) Such giving — as with the widow Jesus observed and the Macedonians Paul noted — reveals a trust in God as the great and ongoing provider rather than trusting in what one might think they must accumulate and hold for themselves.
How much do we trust God? Our answer to that question may be revealed in what we are willing to do with what has been placed in our hands. May we give ourselves first to the Lord and so acknowledge what we have is His and is to be used to His glory as we trust His ongoing provision!