The listing of classifications or names of ages or periods of humanity and thought is lengthy and reflects much variation in life activity and focus. Among the great contrasts we find reference to the “Dark Ages” following the fall of the Western Roman Empire; a period marked by decline culturally, economically, and intellectually. We also find reference to the “Age of Enlightenment” marking a period of great intellectual and philosophical influence in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries stemming especially from Western Europe but with global effects. Now we are noted as living in the “Postmodern Age” wherein worldviews associated with the enlightenment period are being greatly challenged with concepts of “relativism” being a part of it. Postmodernism is also noted as being skeptical of explanations claiming to have validity for all groups and cultures by focusing on whatever is perceived to be the truth relative for each person individually.
As we look back upon history, and even around ourselves today, it is easy to see how many are being tossed about by the waves of such varying doctrines and ideologies derived from human thinking. (i.e. Ephesians 4:14) In the midst of change, this is one tendency that has not changed!
Amidst such varied transition, is there a constant to which we can look? The answer from the Scripture is, “Yes!”; that which is not of human, but Heavenly origin! As the writer of Hebrews unequivocally declared. . .
“ (8) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 ESV)
Jesus — as the Word Who became flesh, full of grace and truth (John 1:14) — remains the constant to Whom we can look. With our focus left resting on Him we will not be tossed about and led away by “diverse and strange teachings.” (Hebrews 13:9) In Him we are led out of darkness and into light! (i.e. 1 Peter 2:9) As the Way and the Truth and the Life and thus our access to the Father (John 14:6), Jesus remains relevant to life now and our hope for eternity. He is the One remaining relative to the world’s need of redemption for whom He was lovingly given. (John 3:16; 1 John 2:2) May He remain our constant to Whom our life is securely anchored!