To strategize is to plan or put in place a course of action with a specific end or goal in mind. Sometimes goals are approached with an attitude that the ends justify the means; that it doesn’t matter what is done so long as the goal is met. However, it has been noted that the end does not justify the meanness. … [Read more...] about KIND WAY!
How often do we look at ourselves and wonder what difference we as one alone or we as a few among many can make? Sometimes the difference we are making is not immediately seen by us, but let us not underestimate the value of our individual faithfulness to God and its potential to impact the lives of those around … [Read more...] about EVEN ONE!
Sometimes we look ahead to things we believe are coming and think about the joy that will be experienced then. But how about the joy presently? Though we may duly look forward to things which are to come, when it comes to the assurance we have in Christ, the joy should be the life experience now as the life is … [Read more...] about JOYFUL TRUST!
“I’ll do it myself.” “Back off. I’ve got this!” “I’m fine. I don’t need any help.” “Just give me a moment and I’ll get back up myself.” “I’ll just sit here for a bit while I’m down.” While there are those who do accept the help, sometimes that is … [Read more...] about SWALLOW AND SURRENDER!
Facing the reality of clever perverters of the truth and how even our own desires can lead us astray, how can we keep our focus where it ought to be? Jude offered three antidotes to aid in remaining faithful to God. We read. . … [Read more...] about GUARDING AGAINST STRAYING (Part 2 of 2)