As Jesus noted regarding His disciples (John 17:14-16), we are in the world, but not of it. We are to understand our role in the world as that of being a godly influence. (i.e. Matthew 5:13-16) That necessitates interaction with it. Still, we must remain mindful of our closest associations and the influence of that … [Read more...] about GOOD COMPANY!
MY BODY! (Part 3 of 3)
Again, how we view our body will determine how we will live. We have noted how as “jars of clay” our body can still be put to honorable and righteous use, and that though it is suitable for the temporariness of life in this realm, there is something more glorious yet to come. We are to presently live with a … [Read more...] about MY BODY! (Part 3 of 3)
MY BODY! (Part 2 of 3)
How we view our body will determine how we will live. Yesterday we noted how even in the fragileness of the flesh our body can be used as an instrument of righteousness in serving God’s purposes for having given us life. Today, let us consider another description of the body and how that reality is reflected in our manner of … [Read more...] about MY BODY! (Part 2 of 3)
MY BODY! (Part 1 of 3)
Not everyone views their body alike. Some are happy with the way they look while others have an unhealthy self-image based on perceived body appearance. However, there are things more significant regarding the body than merely how it looks and we must understand how often the acknowledgement of beauty is in the eye of the … [Read more...] about MY BODY! (Part 1 of 3)
Do we ever forget what we have said? Do we ever need to be reminded of words we have spoken? Sometimes we offer encouraging words to others going through difficult moments that we might not call to mind when going through such ourselves. In moments like those we might be reminded of what we have ourselves … [Read more...] about BACK AT YOU!