One of the psalmists wrote. . . “(1) It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; (2) to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by … [Read more...] about GOOD MORNING AND GOOD NIGHT!
“Me time.” That is generally a reference to taking a break from taking care of others and taking time out to do what “me” wants. It is time to do what one personally wants to do, without any other obligations or distractions. Having some “me time” can be therapeutic. Having some time for self can be a good thing. … [Read more...] about ME TIME!
Part of the message in the handwriting on the wall to King Belshazzar was that he had been weighed in the balance and been found wanting. (Daniel 5:27) Though his father, Nebuchadnezzar, had humbled himself (Daniel 5:18-21), Belshazzar did not (Daniel 5:22) and it brought his end. (Daniel 5:30) Nebuchadnezzar had duly … [Read more...] about NOT FOUND WANTING!
Temp Agencies serve the purpose of providing temporary workers for various jobs on an as needed basis. Sometimes these temporarily fill in for workers who have taken a leave of absence. Other times this temporary employment assists when a business or company has extra work to be done that would be too much to add to … [Read more...] about TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT!
You have probably heard of the issue about pronouns lately. Whether a male should be called he or him, or if he prefers to identify as female, she or her. A female might prefer he or him over she or her. Or the person, whether male or female at birth, might prefer the pronoun, they or them. Semantics, right? Why should we care about what a person wants to be called? Let us … [Read more...] about Pronouns