In all honesty, what keeps us honest? Is it because we have chosen to be? Is it because we’re afraid of being caught if we are otherwise? Are we motivated to be honest simply because it is right? Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (188-217 AD), an emperor of Rome from 211-217, made the following … [Read more...] about IN ALL HONESTY!
People have long pondered, “What is the meaning of life?”. It is possible to sit looking around for a long time wondering about the meaning of it all. Perhaps reading through Solomon’s consideration of life in Ecclesiastes in the contrasts between living life “under the sun” (i.e. Ecclesiastes 1:3) or “under … [Read more...] about MEANINGFUL!
How often has it been that when a parent asks their child what story they want read to them at bedtime they ask for one that’s been read many times before? “Didn’t we read that last night?” “But I want to hear it again!” And though they have heard it so many times they could probably recite it themselves, they have not grown tired of hearing … [Read more...] about LOVING THE LOVE STORY!
Solomon wrote. . . “(15) The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” (Proverbs 12:15 ESV) And. . … [Read more...] about WISDOM FOR THE WISER!
I love being out in nature hiking on trails through the woods, walking along rivers or streams, and moving up into the mountains. There are some places to which I love to return. However, I also love the adventure of hiking in new places where I get to wonder about what is around the next curve or over the next rise. And … [Read more...] about LIFE ADVENTURE!