Yesterday we noted the idea of being dressed for life; considering part of the spiritual wardrobe we are to wear as Christians. (Colossians 3:12) Thinking about new clothes, I sometimes remember when I was about to graduate from high school and my mother told me she was going to take me to get a new suit. Asking … [Read more...] about EVER WEAR!
When we consider what we ought to wear, generally what is chosen has to do with either what kind of activity is being attended or being involved in. It is the activity or the occasion which dictates the choice. My personal range is from work pants for mowing the lawn, slacks and button up shirt for in at the office and engaging in the community, … [Read more...] about DRESSED FOR LIFE!
DECISION TIME! (Part 2 of 2)
The Word is near us. God has made an understanding of His Will available to us. What are we going to do about it? As Moses exhorted the nation of Israel before Joshua was to take over leadership, he made it clear that a decision needed to be made. He had set before the people a … [Read more...] about DECISION TIME! (Part 2 of 2)
DECISION TIME! (Part 1 of 2)
Prior to Joshua taking the leadership of Israel and preparing to take them into the land God had promised, Moses once again encouraged the nation toward faithfulness to God. They had witnessed God’s power to deliver them from enemies, keep their clothes and sandals from wearing out (Deuteronomy 29:5), and … [Read more...] about DECISION TIME! (Part 1 of 2)
It is interesting how a sound can be perceived differently by various individuals. (i.e. John 12:27-30) For some it may be noise while for others it is a learning experience. How aware we are to what is going on around us can have a dynamic effect upon whether or not or how we … [Read more...] about NOISE OR MESSAGE?