People have their own ideas regarding proper timing in helping others. Some would say, “Just as soon as they get their act together, I’ll help them out.” or “When they are willing to acknowledge I have something to offer, then I’ll join in to assist.” When one is not acknowledged or feels they have been snubbed, it is easy … [Read more...] about AT THE RIGHT TIME!
One of the things I may hate more than anything is to be late for something. My wife often says my view seems to be that if I’m not early, I’m late. The truth is I don’t like to rush. I like to be where I’m supposed to be when I’m supposed to be there, but also in time to relax and be prepared mentally for whatever the function might be. When having to travel some distance I … [Read more...] about RIGHT ON TIME!
Sometimes the Scriptures are turned to and searched through not necessarily to learn something, but to find support for what is already being thought. Do we read to merely prove we are right, or are we like the Bereans who searched the Scriptures daily to make sure they were accepting what was right in accordance with what had been … [Read more...] about PROVED TRUE!
When the ball is in my lap (or also worded “in my court”), where does the action for responsibility rest? Is it not I who chooses what to do with the ball? Do I clutch it for myself, allowing for no interaction with others? Do I throw it forcefully at someone so they will feel the sting of the power I have? Do I heave it forcefully toward another in an … [Read more...] about BALL IN MY COURT!
In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, He urged. . . “(1) First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, (2) for kings and all who are in high positions, that we … [Read more...] about NEEDED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT!