Though stuffing the face may seem pleasurable at the time, if we are stuffing ourselves too much or with the wrong things our stomach is likely to grumble about it later. Our face will then reveal the discomfort we are experiencing. When our life is being … [Read more...] about FEEDING FACE!
Someone has said, “Forgiveness is the best form of love. It takes a strong person to say I’m sorry but an even stronger person to forgive.” (original source unknown) Perhaps we would agree regarding the strength on either side as noted. As imperfect beings we … [Read more...] about ESSENTIAL INTERACTIVE ELEMENT!
For the musician, discipline is important. Time must be devoted to practice and practice and practice. There are times I find challenging sections of symphony music which I must play over and over again; sometimes beginning at a slow tempo which is gradually quickened. Then, when I finally get those measures right, I don’t exclaim “Got it!” … [Read more...] about DISCIPLINE/TRAINING!
Returning home one evening about a week ago, I noticed the power was out over a several block area as I was nearing our neighborhood. However, as I pulled up in front of our house, I saw that our living room appeared well illuminated. Walking through the front door I noticed three battery lanterns my wife had strategically placed … [Read more...] about STRATEGICALLY PLACED!
A little girl was asked where her home was and she replied, “Where Mother is.” Here was one who viewed home not in relation to a place, but rather to a relationship and wherever that relationship took her, that was home. A contrast to this view has been expressed in the statement, “Many modern homes are merely filling stations.” [source: sentence … [Read more...] about WHERE HOME IS!