Yes, I know today is marked on the calendar as New Year’s Eve. Yes, I know it is December 31st; being the last day of the month and the last day of the year. However, it is not the end! Today does not have the final say on what is ahead. Despite the changing of the calendar from one year to the next, time has not come to a screeching … [Read more...] about NOT THE END!
“God. Are You listening?” Do we wonder at times? However, in our desire and expectation for God to listen to us as we pray, what marks our willingness to listen to Him? Could there be the reality that God is asking us, “Are you listening?” During the days of the … [Read more...] about EARS TO HEAR!
When you look in the mirror, do you believe what you see or do you say, “That can’t be me”? If you are still in your youth, you may like the image staring back at you. However, as the aging process takes place it leaves some wondering who that person is looking back at … [Read more...] about LOOKING IN THE MIRROR!
There are those in sports noted as “glory hogs” because rather than being a team player, they hog the ball and seek to draw all the attention to themselves. Though they may personally break records, such action often works to the detriment of the team (not winning many games) and leads to the consternation of … [Read more...] about FOR HIS GLORY!
There are those we love to have within arm’s reach. We love to be in their presence and have them in ours. Perhaps such thoughts are fresh in our mind as we have had the opportunity to connect with family and friends through this holiday season. However, there are also those we could not physically embrace … [Read more...] about LOVING EMBRACE!