During one of our Bible studies, I asked the congregation to give me what they saw as the difference between character and “religious” reputation. Someone pointed out how they should be the same and I agreed. However, is it always the case?
Among the contrasts we discussed were the following: Being right whether seen or not versus merely putting on a good face or show for others. What’s on the inside versus what is merely on the outside. What God sees (Hebrews 4:13) versus what others see. What we are versus what we do.
Reputation may be based merely on outward actions. It is possible to appear holier than we truly are. In Revelation we read of the church in Sardis which had a reputation of being alive while actually being spiritually dead. (Revelation 3:1) A good front can be put on for others, but when tested in life it is our actual character that will show through.
Having a good religious reputation is good. The good works of our life as seen by those around us are to direct the focus to God for Him to be ultimately glorified. (Matthew 5:16) Our need is for continued mindfulness of what is going on below the surface! Character is the true essence within and when we are developing holiness of character within, holy actions will be produced. This being so, we ought to recognize the reality of holy character and reputation going hand in hand.
James exhorted. . .
“(26) If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. (27) Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (James 1:26-27 ESV)
When James referred to pure and undefiled religion, he included both outward action (helping others) and inward holiness (unstained from the world)! May we recognize all that a true religious essence encompasses. Someone has said that “Reputation is what men think you are; character is what God knows you are.” [source: list of sentence sermons] Let us live, knowing that in the end it is the view of God that counts!