Sometimes the best way to leave no room for certain things is to crowd them out; just don’t leave any space for them. Where does clutter generally begin to collect? Is it not usually where we have left space for it that has not been put to better use? Not only can this be true within our homes, but also within our life. Crowding more of the good stuff in will help crowd out the bad. Filling our minds with proper focuses will aid in pushing out the improper ones. This will then also impact the output of our lives.
Paul urged. . .
“(4) Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.” (Ephesians 5:4 ESV)
There is that which should be easily recognized as being “out of place” in our life as Christians. If we replace those with thoughts and words of thanks for all God has done, is doing, and will do in our life, that can be a tremendous aid in crowding out that which is inappropriate. Words of thanks are gracious and sweet and tend to instill the reminders and the words in others as well. May a spirit of thanks to God so fill us that there is just no room for improper thought and speech. Let it be a mark of the dialect of our daily life!
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