Wow! Cool! Spectacular! Impressive! How awesome!
Oh, how we can be captivated by the sights of life. Do we still marvel when we look at the world and the universe our God created? Does the awesomeness of His creative power bring us delight as we consider it? Do we wonder how any sensible person could declare it all came about by accident or could continue with no Divine purpose?
One of the psalmists stated. . .
“(2) Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them. (3) Full of splendor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever.” (Psalm 111:2-3 ESV)
Though the eternal things God has in mind are of the utmost importance, still His creation was designed to provide a life suitable for us to appreciate and enjoy. How many sunsets have we seen and yet are drawn to look again? How many birds have we heard sing their song and still we become quiet to listen to another? How many times have we sat watching the tide come in and go out? How many births have impressed us with the miracle of life? So many wonderful things to ponder! Daily, we are surrounded by the great works of God! May we never cease to delight in them as we praise and thank Him for the beautiful life He provides!