Focusing on others does not always produce the same result. This is due to the need for the giving of due consideration as to how we are focusing on others. How we focus on ourselves has bearing on how we will then focus on others.
As Solomon looked at life generally lived under the sun, one of the things he took note of was the attitude behind the labors of some. We read. . .
“(4) Then I saw that all toil and all skill in work come from a man’s envy of his neighbor. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.” (Ecclesiastes 4:4 ESV)
Growing up, this is what I heard noted as trying to keep up with the Joneses. That is the goal of looking at what others might be attaining and — in envy — working and spending to get what they have and even more. For such individuals, life status is based on the benchmark of what others possess. Therefore, with a view toward others, the consideration rests on what one wants for self and that is the attitude fueling the endeavors of life.
Writing to Christians at Ephesus, Paul exhorted. . .
“(28) Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.” (Ephesians 4:28 ESV)
Here was the urging of a focus on attaining from work with a focus beyond self. The earning and gaining is not merely about self, but as one has been blessed in their labors there is to be mindfulness of how that can also be used to bless others; help meet their need. Therefore, with a view toward others, the consideration rests on how one can assist others through sharing what one has gained. In other words, making a living is not merely for self, but is to move the focus to aiding others in their life.
As we consider our labors and the gain from them, what is fueling our effort? Is it solely about self or are we also considering others? It is vanity if it is all about self because someday it will all be left behind. However, if it includes serving others, when the day comes to rest from our labors, our deeds will follow (Revelation 14:13); our Lord takes notice as we continue our life in Him. As we have been truly blessed, may we also bless others!
Have a great day BLESSED TO BLESS!