“FREE!” Is that not an enticing offer? To see “FREE!” on a sign usually draws attention and even a crowd. To get something “FREE” is often viewed as a blessing. A few years ago there was a television commercial offering something free with the reasoning that once the product was tried it would be purchased. One person on the commercial would say, “Free? It must be good!” However, is it always? That which is sometimes seen as a good offer or even a life solution can turn out to have some hidden costs associated with it. How many offers that sound good are followed by a lot of small print that might ultimately reveal the offer to not be quite as good as first thought? Therefore, we should be cautious regarding what we are drawn toward as there are some things we ought to keep free from!
The Hebrew writer urged. . .
“(5) Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”” (Hebrews 13:5 ESV)
That love can be costly. It can lead away from a focus on God. (i.e. Luke 12:16-21) Such a love can also bring about much anxiety, temptation, and grief or sorrow. (1 Timothy 6:9-10) That is why it is important to keep our life free from such misdirected affection! The current economic situation in our country right now reflects how quickly worldly riches can be lost. Instead of trusting in money, the Hebrew writer urged toward trusting in God Who has promised to not desert us. Through learning contentment with our life in His hands we can be free of some of the challenges wealth can bring. That is something money cannot buy.
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