When we think of individuals who displayed great faith, Abraham’s name usually comes to mind. We marvel at his willingness to leave his homeland to follow God (Genesis 12:1-4) not knowing where he was being led. We wonder at his trust in God to fulfill the promise of a child even though both he and Sarah were well advanced in years. (Genesis 15:1-6) Then when God did give them Isaac, we may be shocked at his readiness to offer that son. (Genesis 22) However, it was all related to Abraham’s willingness to obey God and trust Him to fulfill what He had promised.
Before arriving at the place, Abraham said to the young men who accompanied them. . .
“(5) Then Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you.”” (Genesis 22:5 ESV)
Notice what was implied? Abraham did not say he would return alone.
When Isaac asked regarding the offering, we then read. . .
“(8)Abraham said, “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” So they went both of them together.” (Genesis 22:8 ESV)
They went on in faith. In trusting obedience, Abraham prepared the altar. (Genesis 22:9) He drew the knife revealing a faith that was unwavering. (Genesis 22:10) And God did provide; He provided a ram to be offered. (Genesis 22:13)
Regardless of how confusing the situation may have appeared, Abraham revealed the extent of his trust in God’s provision. He didn’t have to have it all figured out because his faith was in the One Who did! God had made promises and Abraham’s obedience revealed he believed God would fulfill them. That is faith! May we develop that same kind of trust.