In all honesty, what keeps us honest? Is it because we have chosen to be? Is it because we’re afraid of being caught if we are otherwise? Are we motivated to be honest simply because it is right?
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (188-217 AD), an emperor of Rome from 211-217, made the following statement: “A man should be upright, not be kept upright.” (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, “Meditations”, 2nd century A.D., book III, no.5) [source: “A Treasury of Business Quotations”, p. 73, compiled by Michael C. Thomsett]
We can stand someone up, but how do they stand themselves? What is it that they be? What is the essence of their character? For some it takes a lock, strict laws, or video surveillance to keep them honest. But, then, are such really honest? Is that what it takes with us? Are we any different than those of the world in this regard?
We have been called to a standard higher than what the world has learned to settle for or expect of others. That being the case, people are frequently surprised by simple honesty.
During the first century of the church, the Apostle Paul stated in his letter to Titus. . .
“ (11) For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, (12) training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age,” (Titus 2:11-12 ESV)
Regardless of what age or era in which we live, God has called us to this standard of living. We are to live “upright” in the presence of God and humanity. We are to be honest because it is right. We are to be honest because it is what God expects. And for us to be honest means those around us will know what to expect when we act and speak in the midst of our day-to-day activities.
Let us each be a model of uprightness in all things as we interact with others. It will be a refreshing experience for those with whom we deal and will provide a sense of peace for us. As we go about dealing honestly with others we have the comfort of knowing we have nothing behind to cover up. And we will be known for the essence of our character. May we continue to so live to glory of God!
Have a great day HONEST IN ALL THINGS!