Life is filled with many varied experiences; some we cherish while some we might prefer to live without. And in the fullness of life, do we duly acknowledge there are many things we could easily live without? However, there are also things we should note as being of great necessity for life. God knows the basic things we need (i.e. Matthew 6:31-32 ESV) but He also knows our greatest needs. One of those is hope. To have no hope, where would be the will to press on? To have no hope would be to be left in despair. But even when life is tough, when there is hope we can still find strength to press on.
As Paul encouraged some who appear to have wondered about loved ones who had departed life in this realm, he wrote. . .
“ (13) But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.” (1 Thessalonians 4:13 ESV)
Because of our hope in the Lord, we are strengthened to press on even in the midst of adversity and loss. Though grieving may take place, it can be tempered by the consolation of hope in Christ. That hope provides a powerful incentive to continue moving on in life, knowing that even though much of the present is blessed and precious, there are even better things to come. Therefore, though we grieve because of our deep heart connection with others with whom we share in living for Jesus, we do so with the consolation of abiding hope in Him and what He will ultimately bring us into. (1 Thessalonians 4:14-18)
Because of hope, I have found myself singing (among other hymns) “It is well with my soul” over and over again the last few days. I am so thankful for hope! I am so thankful for the encouragement of hope! Therefore, may we fix our focus on the assurance of the promises in Christ so that as we move through life’s moments that cut deeply into our loving heart, we will do so with the hope we have been given in Him!
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