How often has it been that when a parent asks their child what story they want read to them at bedtime they ask for one that’s been read many times before? “Didn’t we read that last night?” “But I want to hear it again!” And though they have heard it so many times they could probably recite it themselves, they have not grown tired of hearing it. Despite there being many other story books on the shelf, it has become clear this is the story they want read again and again.
Every time I read through the Scriptures, I read true stories I have read many times before. However, I don’t skip over them, I do read them through again. Even though I know what comes next and what the full story is, I read the story of Abraham and Joseph and Ruth and Esther and David (and the list goes on), and I am still intrigued by real scenes played out better than fiction. They are stories which have their conflict but reveal life lived with a mindfulness of God and the difference He brings to the stories of life lived in this realm. And then there is the greatest story, the Gospel (Good News) of a Savior who came onto life’s scene to ultimately give His life on our behalf; God’s plan from before the ages began. (2 Timothy 1:9)
As Jesus talked with Nicodemus, He noted the love behind God’s plan in that often repeated passage. . .
“(16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (17) For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:16-17 ESV)
God so loved that through the seeming twists and turns of our Savior’s walk on earth, He provided the greatest gift to meet our greatest need and bring us our greatest hope! God’s love was clearly demonstrated through the provision of the Son in spite of our sinfulness. (Romans 5:8) That love is intended to draw us lovingly into the story of redemption in Christ in Whom, in the fullness of time, all things in heaven and earth will be united in Him. (Ephesians 1:10) The story of God’s loving provision of hope and salvation in Christ is still the greatest love story. It is the only story to which our life can be connected with confident expectation of a “happy ever after” because of the eternity our Lord went to prepare for us. May we abide in the life in Christ so that the story of our life united with God’s story becomes a good read!
Have a great day LIVING IN GOD’S LOVE STORY!