When someone is noted for having “nailed it”, what is most often being noted is the successful, skilled, or clever manner in which something has been done. Sometimes one even expresses it about themselves in declaring how perfectly or accurately they have executed a task. However, the expression has also be used to sarcastically note efforts which have comically failed. When it comes to living, in what ways might we be noted as “nailing it”?
Sometimes people who consider themselves “spiritual” feel compelled to put others in their place by reminding them of their mistakes. However, the “spiritual” need to remain mindful of the spirit in which they assist others while duly considering their own life. (i.e. Galatians 6:1) As hard as it is to live down one’s past, their need is not to continue having it thrown in their face, but to remind them of the source of grace of which we are all in need. Remembering Jesus went to the cross in our place ought to remind us of the power of grace to move from the past toward the eternal hope He came to provide. Rather than readily reminding others of their faults, let us be ready to encourage and support forward motion.
Someone has said, “Lift people up when they make a mistake. Bearing a cross that isn’t yours is more Christ-like than nailing others to theirs.” (original source unknown)
Writing to Christians at Galatia, Paul urged. . .
“(2) Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2 ESV)
The willingness to do this is to nail fulfilling the command of living a Christ-like life as we follow in that which He Himself provided as we remember His willingness to bear the reproach we deserved. (Romans 15:1-3) He redeemed us from the law’s curse “by becoming a curse for us” in willingly surrendering to be crucified. (Galatians 3:13) When we remain living with a readiness to aid in the bearing of another’s burdens, we are nailing the life Christ desires us to live. May we continue walking in the gracious steps of our Lord and Savior!