A stream of water generally flows the path of least resistance. It drops here, bends there, and flows toward the sea with the refreshing waters received from above in the mountains. All along its route there is benefit for the fish and other creatures of God, the trees and other vegetation draw nourishment from it as they grow along its banks, and even humanity benefits in what is provided to drink. Sometimes the stream’s course is altered by people to channel it where it will do the most good or keep from doing damage through erosion. However, merely “going with the flow” of how things are in this world is not the best philosophy for directing the life. Where is the sense of purpose in that? Where is the plan that works its way toward a definite goal?
Solomon wrote. . .
“(1) The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” (Proverbs 21:1 ESV)
Surrendering to the guiding hand of the Lord is where beneficial purpose may be found. Solomon did well as long as He allowed God to direct his heart. How good for this to be the picture of anyone in high position or involved in the directing of the lives of others. Nevertheless, even some who did not fully acknowledge or honor God (i.e. Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar) were used by God to bring about His purposes.
How good it is for each of us to have our heart as “a stream of water in the hand of the Lord.” Rather than a cold frozen heart, we need to maintain one that allows the power of God to direct it. Are we allowing God to turn us where we will provide the benefit He desires our life to be? Where the course of our life needs changed, let us allow Him to direct our hearts from above. In this way we can become the nourishment and refreshment others around us need.
Have a great day GOING WITH HIS FLOW!