In the house of the wicked there may be drinking and laughing and celebration. In the house of the wicked there may be feasting and luxurious living. In the house of the wicked there may be joy in doing all the heart desires. However, is that the place to be? Is that the place preferred? Or are we finding the better … [Read more...] about PREFFERRED PLACE!
It has been noted that triumph only comes by adding some “umph” to our “try”. What marks our effort? Into what are we investing the “umph” of our focus for the benefit of positive life choices and how is that being reflected in both our actions and our words? Are we trying to put the needed “umph” into our faith … [Read more...] about TRY UMPH!
“Strong-Willed” has been defined as “determined to do as one wants even if other people advise against it” or “very determined to do something even if other people say it should not be done.” What marks our will? The actions of a strong-willed … [Read more...] about STRONG-WILLED!
HEART FOR! (Part 1 of 4)
Sometimes people don’t do something because, as is said, “I didn’t have the heart for it.” There are also times people lose heart because of something they are experiencing in life. What is in the heart and on what our heart is most focused will have a dynamic impact on our actions either positively or … [Read more...] about HEART FOR! (Part 1 of 4)
What is the real purpose behind how we live and what we do? What attitude or focus most compels our actions and responses in our interactions with others? What above all are we seeking? Jesus noted on more than one occasion those who sought the … [Read more...] about PURPOSEFUL LIVING!