In my years of ministry, while trying to fulfill my role the best I can, I have found brothers and sisters doing many things behind my back. Behind my back brethren have stepped forward and taken care of needs I had not been made aware of. Behind my back, brothers and sisters have encouraged and uplifted others … [Read more...] about BEHIND MY BACK!
The word “context” is defined as “the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light upon its meaning.” [source: Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary] Considering context is important when studying the Scriptures. How we read and then how we apply them in our life is also … [Read more...] about CONTEXT!
A psalm noted as a prayer of Moses begins. . . “(1)Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. (2) Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to … [Read more...] about EVERLASTING CONNECTION!
There are times when we might hear things which end up going “in one ear and out the other”; ideas or notions we easily or quickly dismiss. This may occur when we’ve decided what was said was not worth considering. It can also happen due to only half listening. To hear with the ear without really hearing seems … [Read more...] about IN AND OUT!
There are those who make a fool of themselves, but in so doing may embarrass their family and others around them. Though we live in a world where many feel the right to live life however they choose, they need to come to realize how personal choices can still have an impact on others. Because we live in a world … [Read more...] about A REFLECTION!