It is not wrong to mean what we say or do, but the manner in which we do so is important to consider. Even as we share with the world why we believe in Jesus as the reason for our hope, we are to “do it with gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15 ESV) Paul also urged Christians at Ephesus to be mindful of speaking the … [Read more...] about MEAN BUT NOT MEAN!
Having a healthy sense of self-esteem is good. Knowing we have abilities and strengths to contribute in life helps maintain a healthy sense of purpose. To feel we have something of value to offer in this life’s varied activities can provide us with a sense of personal value. Though we should be careful what activities … [Read more...] about OUR STRENGTH!
“I don’t deserve this!” “I shouldn’t have to put up with the brunt of their attitude!” “Why don’t they just grow up!” Do any of those statements sound like the way we have felt at times in our interaction with others? We may sometimes wonder about what we end up … [Read more...] about GOOD FOR THEM!
What are Trials and Tribulations?
Words mean things but sometimes we pass over a word or phrase and not give it much thought. You may have heard of “Trials and Tribulations”. These always seem to go together. What do they mean however? Trials give us the idea of trying times where your will, emotions, and ability are all tested. Think of a race at a track meet. Your will, emotions, and ability are put to the … [Read more...] about What are Trials and Tribulations?
To strategize is to plan or put in place a course of action with a specific end or goal in mind. Sometimes goals are approached with an attitude that the ends justify the means; that it doesn’t matter what is done so long as the goal is met. However, it has been noted that the end does not justify the meanness. … [Read more...] about KIND WAY!