[05/10/2023 “teEn-MAIL”] When we engage in aiding or inviting, is it about a reciprocal reward or truly about being a charitable servant of Christ? Though the world in general tends to reach out with the expectation of getting something in return at some point, Jesus emphasized the idea of loving, doing good, … [Read more...] about NOT BACK BUT FORWARD!
[04/30/2023 “teEn-MAIL”] [This focus was originally sent 04/03/2001 (edited some with passages changed to ESV 04/03/2009)] It is amazing how one thing can lead to another. There is so much in life that is more closely linked than we may perhaps realize. Because of this, if we were allowed to always choose our circumstances it is very possible we would miss out … [Read more...] about WE CAN REJOICE BECAUSE…! (Part 2 of 3)
[04/28/2023 “teEn-MAIL”] [This focus was originally sent 04/01/2001 (edited some with passages changed to ESV 04/01/2009)] Have you ever heard someone say something of which you were sure they must have stated it wrong? “Say what?” “What did you say?” You couldn’t possibly have meant. . . ?” “This is … [Read more...] about REJOICE WHEN?
[04/16/2023 “teEn-MAIL”] We are in a time of year when many are thinking about “spring cleaning”; doing a thorough cleaning of homes from top to bottom and sprucing up the yard in preparation for the enjoyment of warmer weather. How quickly dust collects in high places and clutter gathers during the more … [Read more...] about DECLUTTER!
HELD PRECIOUS! (part 6 of 9)
[04/10/2023 “teEn-MAIL”] [This focus was originally sent 04/12/2009 (Edited some.)] When we think of experiences or events related to life, what do we consider to be precious? Do we think of births, graduations, anniversaries, etc.? Such life milestones that draw family and friends in sharing together are … [Read more...] about HELD PRECIOUS! (part 6 of 9)