The Revised Standard Version was a translation in 1952 by some 15 men that were rather liberal in their viewpoints. Some things that could be translated in different ways were generally translated according to his own beliefs. In Romans 11:20, it reads, “…you stand only through faith.” The word “only” is not in the Greek and should not be in any translation; it is an indication … [Read more...] about Translations: RSV
Defending the Truth…Scriptures
How do we defend the truth against charismatic teachings? What are charismatic teachings? They include the working of signs and miracles even today. The scriptures below refute these teachings: The Bible warns of delusions and lying wonders: Matthew 24:24; 2 Timothy 3:13; Revelation 13:13 The design of Jesus’ miracles was to confirm that He was from God: Matthew 11:2-6; … [Read more...] about Defending the Truth…Scriptures
Defending the Truth…Archaeology
One of our greatest defenses is the book we call the Bible, or God’s Word. Some question the Bible as the authoritative word of God. Some might even say, “Prove the Bible.” What a great challenge. I have heard some say, “If they found Noah’s ark, I would believe.” Truly, finding the ark would be a great and wonderful discovery, however, the accuracy and truth of the Bible … [Read more...] about Defending the Truth…Archaeology
Translations: An Overview
The Bible is inspired by God and originally written by inspired men. No Bible translator nor any particular translation was ever inspired by God. The Old Testament is translated from Hebrew texts; the New Testament is translated from Greek manuscripts. The Greek was originally written in all capitals and in continuous text. Verses and verse numbers are placed in the Bible by … [Read more...] about Translations: An Overview
I Believe Because…Skin of One’s Teeth
The phrase, “by the skin of one’s teeth,” which means “with the smallest possible margin,” comes from the Bible. How can someone possibly escape “by the skin of her teeth”? In Job 19:20, while complaining about his pitiable situation, Job makes a statement that the King James Bible translates as: “My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin … [Read more...] about I Believe Because…Skin of One’s Teeth