How many times when trying to find out the facts about something, have we, in our searching, experienced an information overload? Such can create a challenge to sort through it all to truly understand. However, sometimes significant truths have been related in only a few words; concisely conveyed for clearer … [Read more...] about NARROWED FOCUS!
Many live their life on the basis that if the coast is clear, no one is looking, or no one will find out, they will go ahead and do what they know to not be right. Does this not say something about their true character regardless of what others might think? Are there times when we ourselves are glad others can’t … [Read more...] about KNOWING THE KNOWER!
It has been said that misery loves company. It seems that “rebellion” does also. There are some things individuals would perhaps not do alone that they are ready to involve themselves with when in the company of others who are also willing. Youths will carry out malicious acts when joined by peers that they … [Read more...] about LOVES COMPANY!
What is the principal basis for living our life? What is the principal ground on which our choices are made? What we love most is what will most influence our life direction. Therefore, on what rests our mind or the affections of our heart? As we consider the seeds of our thoughts, let us understand whatever we have … [Read more...] about RIGHTEOUS SEED!
When teens are told they cannot do something, at times the response has been, “You don’t let me have any fun.” Rules are often seen as unwanted limitations and a rule setter may be viewed as a “kill joy”. However, being allowed to do whatever we feel like doing, does that always bring joy? Is it not true that lack of joy is … [Read more...] about A FILL JOY!