Words mean things but sometimes we pass over a word or phrase and not give it much thought. You may have heard of “Trials and Tribulations”. These always seem to go together. What do they mean however? Trials give us the idea of trying times where your will, emotions, and ability are all tested. Think of a race at a track meet. Your will, emotions, and ability are put to the … [Read more...] about What are Trials and Tribulations?
David was noted by God as a man after His own heart. (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22) That did not mean he was without sin (as the Scriptures do record some grievous ones), but he possessed a heart willing to acknowledge his sin and accept the redirection and return needed. David possessed a heart that truly desired … [Read more...] about EVEN THERE!
As we think about the cost of our ransom or redemption from sin, at what cost could it have been secured? When we consider how the Lord could provide for the temple tax for both Peter and Himself (Matthew 17:24-27), if it was to be by means of money, Jesus could have had Peter and the rest of the disciples just catch … [Read more...] about REDEMPTION’S COST!
David looked above and wrote. . . “(1) The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. (2) Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” (Psalm 19:1-2 … [Read more...] about HIS GLORY!
In the beginning, God created every living creature and plant, and it was all good. He even created a beautiful garden (Genesis 2:8) wherein Adam and Eve lived until sin caused them to be driven out. (Genesis 3:23) God later revealed His plan -- first stated in a promise to Abraham (Genesis 17:8) and later to Moses (Exodus 3:8) … [Read more...] about GOD’S GARDEN!