Living a “so-so” life is not very exciting. However, living with purpose that glorifies God should be acknowledged as an honor and a privilege. To surrender to being used by God for His Divine purposes -- being engaged in the works created in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10) -- should provide a real boost to our self-esteem … [Read more...] about SO SOW!
Many people have varying ideas regarding who Jesus is. Jesus even asked His disciples regarding the talk of the day. (Matthew 16:13-16) The truth about Jesus and how we are to relate to Him is of eternal significance. It is not enough to simply place Him in a category with other great teachers or martyrs for a … [Read more...] about OPENED TO DECLARE!
People have their own ideas regarding proper timing in helping others. Some would say, “Just as soon as they get their act together, I’ll help them out.” or “When they are willing to acknowledge I have something to offer, then I’ll join in to assist.” When one is not acknowledged or feels they have been snubbed, it is easy … [Read more...] about AT THE RIGHT TIME!
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were drawn to the Christ and drawn together to take care of the Lord’s body. It appears Jesus had not drawn them so openly as much in His life as He did in His death! Though the cross drew onlookers, not all viewed the spectacle from the same perspective. … [Read more...] about DULY DRAWN!
Continuing to consider Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus coming together at the death of Jesus, we read. . . “(40) So they took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen cloths with the spices, as is the burial custom of the … [Read more...] about A BLESSED FELLOWSHIP!