“Because!” Sometimes in response to the “why” of certain actions, someone might respond, “Just because.” But “because of what?” Our English word “because” stems from 14th century “by cause”. As I look at the word I am struck by the compound of “be” and “cause” [be-cause] which makes me wonder about what it … [Read more...] about BECAUSE!
For the musician, discipline is important. Time must be devoted to practice and practice and practice. There are times I find challenging sections of symphony music which I must play over and over again; sometimes beginning at a slow tempo which is gradually quickened. Then, when I finally get those measures right, I don’t exclaim “Got it!” … [Read more...] about DISCIPLINE/TRAINING!
We know from Scripture that the devil can take on any form (2 Corinthians 11:14; I Peter 5:8) and work by various means. If the devil really appeared as a figure dressed in a red suit and holding a pitch-fork we might not be so easily deceived. But he is sly. The form he took in the garden of Eden was that of a serpent and, in order to deceive Eve, he … [Read more...] about ARE YOU SURE?
All of us have probably experienced one of those mornings when we either forgot to set the alarm or slept through it and so woke up suddenly to leap out of bed declaring, “I’m late!” With things scheduled for the day and tasks to be done beginning to fill the mind, we regret having awakened later than … [Read more...] about AWAKE!
There are those in sports noted as “glory hogs” because rather than being a team player, they hog the ball and seek to draw all the attention to themselves. Though they may personally break records, such action often works to the detriment of the team (not winning many games) and leads to the consternation of … [Read more...] about FOR HIS GLORY!