The way we live our life on a day-to-day basis is important. As we go about the regular activities of life -- whether that be school, work, social activities, clubs, committees, neighborhood encounters, sports events, etc. -- as Christians we ought to be mindful of the impression we leave. Israel was to live in such a way … [Read more...] about YES, EVEN THERE!
People of notoriety are often accompanied by bodyguards. Those hired protectors follow along to guard against crowds from pressing too close while also keeping a watchful eye out for anything or anyone that might present a danger. Bodyguards are employed to provide a sense of security to the one they accompany. This allows … [Read more...] about TWO BODYGUARDS!
Though there is nothing I can do to ever merit my salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9), I must bear in mind the Scriptural truth that faith and works are naturally coupled together. (i.e. James 2:14-26) I am to place my trust in God while also remaining willing to obey Him. That willingness to obey ought to be compelled by the … [Read more...] about TRUST AND OBEY!
WORD DIRECTION! (Part 3 of 3)
We have noted the word of God is to be taken; taken into our own heart and mind and taken to the world. Yesterday we considered be mindful of taking God’s Word into the world by the manner in which we live our daily life in conformity to His Will. Another way in which we take God’s Word to the world is by sharing … [Read more...] about WORD DIRECTION! (Part 3 of 3)
Defending the Truth….Using the Bible
Jesus Christ – The church was – There is – A faithful church -- Colossians 3:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read. Isaiah 34:16 … [Read more...] about Defending the Truth….Using the Bible