In his first letter to Timothy, Paul wrote. . . “(3) As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, (4) nor to devote themselves … [Read more...] about LOVE’S AIM!
On a perpetual desk calendar -- one I’ve read each morning since it was given to me in 1992 -- a recent day’s notation included the following prayer: “Lord, I pray for the courage of my convictions. Instill in me the determination to make the right things happen. … [Read more...] about COURAGE AND CONVICTION!
As I have been given the opportunity and privilege to share the Scriptures with incarcerated individuals each week, I from time-to-time tell them that I am in as much need of God’s grace today as when I first believed. I want them to know forgiveness is possible and they can have hope. I want them to understand … [Read more...] about HE CAN AND WILL!
In our day of technology others can encourage us to follow them on Facebook, or Twitter, through their Blog, etc. Such following can take place in the comfort of our own home or familiar surroundings. This following may also only be in one’s mind. However, when Jesus urged following Him, we must understand it is to be … [Read more...] about FOLLOW ME!
Jesus had spent a day teaching and then time explaining and giving more parables to His disciples. (Mark 4:1-34) When evening came, urging the disciples to cross to the other side, they left the others and got into the boat. (Mark 4:35-36) We then read. . … [Read more...] about PEACE! BE STILL!