Doors serve the purpose of keeping in and keeping out. As long as a door is open, entrance is possible. However, when a door is closed, what’s in is in and what’s out is out. There are doors of opportunity but also times when doors of opportunity close. Therefore, doors can be quite significant, especially when it … [Read more...] about A SHUT DOOR!
If Jesus Came to your House…
If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you’d do. Oh, I know you’d give your nicest room to such an honored guest And all the food you’d serve to Him would be the very best. And you’d keep assuring Him you’re glad to have Him there - That serving Him in your home is joy beyond compare. But when you saw Him … [Read more...] about If Jesus Came to your House…
In the fourth chapter of Genesis we read of the first murder when Cain allowed his anger to take control of him. Remember how Cain responded to God when God asked him where his brother, Abel, was. We read. . . “(9) Then the Lord said to … [Read more...] about A KEEPER?
Being first! Leading the way! Out front! Is that the place we seek? Such could be viewed as being very self-centered. However, there is a sense in which such a desire is precisely the right focus. In his letter to Christians at Rome, Paul urged. . … [Read more...] about LIVING OUT FRONT!
Returning home one evening about a week ago, I noticed the power was out over a several block area as I was nearing our neighborhood. However, as I pulled up in front of our house, I saw that our living room appeared well illuminated. Walking through the front door I noticed three battery lanterns my wife had strategically placed … [Read more...] about STRATEGICALLY PLACED!