God is presented throughout the Scriptures as a just God. He also desires for us to deal justly with others. Micah was one of the prophets through whom God made this clear as we read. . . “(8) He has told you, O … [Read more...] about THE HERE AND NOW! (Part 7 of 13)
There are times when people do not believe information because they do not have faith in the source. It is sad commentary on our world today when we are so inundated with information from various sources that we are sometimes unsure what to believe. This gives rise to sometimes not believing what should be … [Read more...] about BELIEF OF FAITH!
There are some who have an image of what they think God is like, but not according to truth. Some see Him as so loving He would never punish anyone except for perhaps the thing that particular individual might consider the awfullest thing any human being might do; the thing they personally feel should never be … [Read more...] about IN TRUTH!
I love music. I love to play, and I love to sing. I also love to listen. Most of the time there seems to be a song or music going through my mind. There are times when the words of a hymn will seem to well up from deep within me. Such can be powerful. It can be so moving. Sometimes when listening I even feel moved to … [Read more...] about JOINING THE CHORUS!
BAD AND GOOD NEWS! “Which do you want first, the good news or the bad news?” When faced with such a question, is our choice to get the bad news out of the way first with … [Read more...] about BAD NEWS AND GOOD NEWS!