You have probably heard of the issue about pronouns lately. Whether a male should be called he or him, or if he prefers to identify as female, she or her. A female might prefer he or him over she or her. Or the person, whether male or female at birth, might prefer the pronoun, they or them. Semantics, right? Why should we care about what a person wants to be called? Let us … [Read more...] about Pronouns
A “catalyst” is defined as “an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or actions” and also as “an event or person causing a change.” In the varied encounters and experiences of life, are we remaining mindful of what catalysts we are allowing to impact our life perspective and actions? The perspective … [Read more...] about COMPELLING CATALYST!
BEING HIS FRIEND! (Part 5 of 5)
Abraham: “a friend of God”! (James 2:23) Abraham believed, obeyed, and feared God. What a friend! Another sign of genuine friendship is when common concerns are shared. Abraham had a heart troubled by the lawless deeds of others. God is … [Read more...] about BEING HIS FRIEND! (Part 5 of 5)
BEING HIS FRIEND! (Part 4 of 5)
Abraham: “a friend of God”! (James 2:23) He believed God. He obeyed God. Why? Because Abraham rightfully viewed God high above and set apart from anyone or anything else. As Abraham was following God’s command to offer Isaac, we read. . … [Read more...] about BEING HIS FRIEND! (Part 4 of 5)
Moses lived to be one hundred twenty years old, and even at that age was noted as having eyes that had not dimmed and vigor that had not diminished. (Deuteronomy 34:7) In view of his life, it is interesting how Moses’ life story was divided into three forty year periods. He spent his first forty in Egypt (Acts … [Read more...] about FORTY YEARS!