There is a big difference between a loose tongue and a loosed tongue. A loose tongue can quickly get one into deep trouble while a loosed tongue can be one set free for significant acknowledgment. Consider the following. In what may have been part of the early … [Read more...] about LOOSED TONGUE!
Sometimes we are harder on ourselves than we ought to be. We all make mistakes. We all commit errors. That is the reality of being imperfect people. Therefore, we can be thankful for forgiveness and grace, not only from each other, but especially from God. However, sometimes we may feel we made a stupid mistake; one made because … [Read more...] about DON’T BE!
On the cross, Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) As Peter later acknowledged, they and the leaders had acted in ignorance (Acts 3:17); at the time they truly did not realize what they were … [Read more...] about PRAYERFUL PERSPECTIVE!
We have been noting there are things which may be done and done with, while there are others which must be acknowledged as ongoing. Though some may refer to things they did once or used to do, what marks the present ongoing actions which compel continued forward motion? Prayer is an … [Read more...] about ACT AND ATTITUDE! (Part 3)
As we noted yesterday, there are things which may be done and done with, while there are others which must be acknowledged as ongoing. We considered how this is the way it is with forgiveness; not a one-time act, but an attitude willing to continue in it. Such an attitude keeps the door open for moving on. … [Read more...] about ACT AND ATTITUDE (Part 2)