When we are tempted, how and where we focus is important. Yesterday we noted the need for a look within at our own desires that might give rise to temptation. Today, let us consider our looking ahead. In the face of temptation, Paul encouraged. . … [Read more...] about DIRECTING THE FOCUS WHEN TEMPTED! (Part 2 of 3)
Seeking to even the score when not treated well is retaliation. Getting back at others and then some (which is often what occurs) is escalation. Where does it stop? A world governed by such action merely continues to feed conflict rather than resolve it. It can only stop (at least in our life sphere) when we choose to respond in a different … [Read more...] about WHERE IT STOPS!
As Jesus addressed the subject of prayer in His sermon on the mount (Matthew 6:5-15), He provided an example of elements which can be included in prayer. He did not provide this prayer as necessarily a prayer to be prayed, but as a model of what prayer ought to be like; an example of appropriate prayer. We read. . … [Read more...] about FOUR-WAY FOCUS!
Someone has said, “Forgiveness is the best form of love. It takes a strong person to say I’m sorry but an even stronger person to forgive.” (original source unknown) Perhaps we would agree regarding the strength on either side as noted. As imperfect beings we … [Read more...] about ESSENTIAL INTERACTIVE ELEMENT!
Some people live in denial of or try to cover up what needs to be acknowledged and so hinder needed redirection in their life. Despite the initial pain of the reveal, the blessing in seeing what is not right is the acceptance of opportunity for needed change. As someone has said, “If you are warned you have a problem, … [Read more...] about NEITHER DENY OR DELAY!