“Hang in there.” “Hold on.” “Don’t give up.” Those are phrases encouraging pressing on despite what might be being presently experienced. They are words which also seem to imply there is something worth hanging on for; something better yet to come. This is the message of hope. When there is hope, there is … [Read more...] about HANG IN THERE!
As we know we have been called to let our light shine before others in this world to the end that in view of our good works God would be glorified (Matthew 5:16), what could cause that light to grow dim? Someone has expressed, “Never let bitterness, covetousness, greed, jealousy, and apathy dim your light.” … [Read more...] about BURNING BRIGHT!
There are times when people do not believe information because they do not have faith in the source. It is sad commentary on our world today when we are so inundated with information from various sources that we are sometimes unsure what to believe. This gives rise to sometimes not believing what should be … [Read more...] about BELIEF OF FAITH!
It has been said, “Whoever is trying to bring you down, is already below you.” (Ziad K. Abdelnour) This has also been phrased, “Whoever is trying to bring you down is already beneath you.” (Habeeb … [Read more...] about ABOVE BENEATH!
I know the expression is generally “above and beyond”, however, there is a sense in which we need to look beyond what we see and above to God. That is because the tendency of humanity is to center the focus for solutions too low. With too high an estimation of self or others, reliance is often placed in unreliable or … [Read more...] about ABOVE AND BEYOND!