In his letter to Christians at Philippi, Paul encouraged. . . “(9) And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, (10) so that you may approve what is … [Read more...] about KNOWING LOVE!
Both action and inaction can reveal something about the heart. Willingness to do something or the refusal to do so says something about where our focus rests. Though there are actions which may be demanded and therefore dutifully carried out, the willing heart needs no command, but only the invitation or … [Read more...] about COMPELLING WILLINGNESS!
How often have we been afraid because of what we were seeing while forgetting to look beyond it to what we did not see? When our eyes focus merely on ourselves or on what might be going on in the world around us, it is easy to become fearful. However, let us continue bearing in mind the reality there is more … [Read more...] about FAITH’S FOCUS
As we think about the cost of our ransom or redemption from sin, at what cost could it have been secured? When we consider how the Lord could provide for the temple tax for both Peter and Himself (Matthew 17:24-27), if it was to be by means of money, Jesus could have had Peter and the rest of the disciples just catch … [Read more...] about REDEMPTION’S COST!
As Jesus noted regarding His disciples (John 17:14-16), we are in the world, but not of it. We are to understand our role in the world as that of being a godly influence. (i.e. Matthew 5:13-16) That necessitates interaction with it. Still, we must remain mindful of our closest associations and the influence of that … [Read more...] about GOOD COMPANY!