“Rules Of Engagement” generally refer to orders military personal are given regarding what they can and cannot do when engaged in battle. The specifics relate to things such as who can be shot at and under what circumstances, what infrastructure can be targeted, what weapons can be used, required aid or protection of civilians, … [Read more...] about RULES OF ENGAGEMENT!
Webster’s defines reputation - “what people think and say the character of a person or thing is; character.” Reputation is used 24 hours a day. You judge people, and sometimes you don’t even know it. It is human nature to judge. Everyone gets judged at some point in his or her lives, which gives a person a reputation that may or may not be the true character of that individual. … [Read more...] about Reputation
WANT OR NEED! (Part 2 of 2)
God sent his prophets, but there were times the people had in mind the kind of preacher/teacher to whom they wanted to listen. Time may have passed, but the tendency has not changed. That is why Paul urged Timothy. . . “(1) I charge you in … [Read more...] about WANT OR NEED! (Part 2 of 2)
WANT OR NEED! (Part 1 of 2)
We all have wants and we all have needs. It is fine to satisfy some (but not all) of our wants, but there are times when wants need to be set aside in order to receive what we need. This is no more true than when it comes to hearing the truth. Sometimes truth hurts, but just like the pain of the … [Read more...] about WANT OR NEED! (Part 1 of 2)
In the beginning, God created every living creature and plant, and it was all good. He even created a beautiful garden (Genesis 2:8) wherein Adam and Eve lived until sin caused them to be driven out. (Genesis 3:23) God later revealed His plan -- first stated in a promise to Abraham (Genesis 17:8) and later to Moses (Exodus 3:8) … [Read more...] about GOD’S GARDEN!