There are numerous translations of the Bible available in bookstores and on the Internet. Paraphrased versions of the Scriptures are popular. Paraphrase versions are more commentaries than translations and are what the translator “thinks” is being said in a certain passage. “A ‘Dynamic Equivalent’ attempts to use the original language as a guide in translating, and then … [Read more...] about Translations: Living Bible
This morning I woke up with the song “The Family Of God”* on my mind. And as I took our dog out, drank my coffee, and showered, the song remained with me. But the line of the song which kept coming back to me most was “I’m not worthy to be here, but, praise God, I … [Read more...] about FAMILY!
Today there are many considered “influencers” on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and other platforms. However, not all “influencers” may be the best by whom to be influenced. Therefore, we need to remain mindful of what influence we are allowing to shape our life. (note Romans 12:2) In preparation for … [Read more...] about ENCOURAGED TO ENCOURAGE!
Being the Temple of God
All Christians have a responsibility – to keep the temple of God clean and pure. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 it says, "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s." The Scripture says your body … [Read more...] about Being the Temple of God
A “plumb line” is a cord with a weight attached to one end so as to dangle freely for determining an exact vertical standing. It is used to ensure while building upward that the vertical is straight and not leaning. In being used, the “plumb line” doesn’t change or shift according to the desires of the carpenter, but … [Read more...] about LINED UP!