We live in a world of users, abusers, and accusers and when we are used, abused, and accused, it is generally not a pleasant experience. Those are things we like to avoid. However, before we too quickly excuse ourselves, let us be honest about our own moments when we have not responded appropriately … [Read more...] about USED, ABUSED, AND ACCUSED! (Part 1 of 4)
It has been often said we live in the “Land of Opportunity.” Though the opportunities may vary from person to person there are people who come to this country desiring the opportunity for a better life. This is aside from those who have been born and raised here who may also still be seeking opportunities for the same. As we seek a better life, is our search … [Read more...] about LAND OF OPPORTUNITY!
RENEWED! (Part 2 of 2)
Yesterday we noted the outward renewal of our life which is to bear the image of our Creator. That was the intent and purpose of God from the beginning; to share His likeness. (Genesis 1:26-27) However, the restoring of that image marred by sin is by His renewal that begins within and continues on through our … [Read more...] about RENEWED! (Part 2 of 2)
RENEWED! (Part 1 of 2)
To renew something is to make it like new or restore it to its original condition such as might be done with a piece of furniture or jewelry. To renew something is also to be granted an extension such as continuing the terms of a lease or holding onto a library book beyond the original checkout period. To renew is also used of reviving energy such as would come … [Read more...] about RENEWED! (Part 1 of 2)
In the fourth chapter of Genesis we read of the first murder when Cain allowed his anger to take control of him. Remember how Cain responded to God when God asked him where his brother, Abel, was. We read. . . “(9) Then the Lord said to … [Read more...] about A KEEPER?