There is much I do not know. There are questions for which I do not have the answers. There are things I have come to see for which I have no explanation. There are moments in life when I feel I do not have the words to provide an adequate description for others. Though I continue to learn more and there are many things I have come to understand, there … [Read more...] about I KNOW!
Wow! Cool! Spectacular! Impressive! How awesome! Oh, how we can be captivated by the sights of life. Do we still marvel when we look at the world and the universe our God created? Does the awesomeness of His creative power bring us delight as we consider it? Do we wonder how any sensible person could … [Read more...] about DELIGHT IN PONDERING!
Where are we bound? Have we gotten on the right train? As we have settled back for the ride of life are we sure we are heading for the right station? Someone has said, “The right train of thought can take you to a better station in life.” [source: “1600 Squibs And Quips”, compiled by … [Read more...] about ALL ABOARD!
There are many things required of us in life. However, not all who require something do so on the same basis. Someone has said, “The master requires labor, the landlord requires rent, the captain requires fight, but God requires the heart.” [source: “1600 Squibs And Quips”, compiled by E. C. … [Read more...] about BASIC REQUIREMENT!
A little boy was overheard praying: “Lord, if you can’t make be a better boy, don’t worry about it. I’m having a real good time like I am.” Perhaps we would agree that is a very honest prayer. However, where does such honesty take one? We live in a world … [Read more...] about HONEST PRAYER!