Yesterday we focused on the clever tactical maneuver of the devil getting us to question or rethink what God has said. Today let us consider another. A second tactical maneuver he used with Eve was to get her to focus on the forbidden fruit. Here was the attempt to appeal to her … [Read more...] about JUST TAKE A LOOK!
We know from Scripture that the devil can take on any form (2 Corinthians 11:14; I Peter 5:8) and work by various means. If the devil really appeared as a figure dressed in a red suit and holding a pitch-fork we might not be so easily deceived. But he is sly. The form he took in the garden of Eden was that of a serpent and, in order to deceive Eve, he … [Read more...] about ARE YOU SURE?
As I have been given the opportunity and privilege to share the Scriptures with incarcerated individuals each week, I from time-to-time tell them that I am in as much need of God’s grace today as when I first believed. I want them to know forgiveness is possible and they can have hope. I want them to understand … [Read more...] about HE CAN AND WILL!
I have long been struck by a statement made to Ben-hadad (king of Syria) after he -- being joined by thirty-two other kings with him (1 Kings 20:1) -- had told Ahab (king of Israel) what he was going to do to Samaria. (1 Kings 20:2-10) When messengers brought back word the second time to Ben-hadad, we read. . … [Read more...] about COURAGEOUS POSITION!
I have interests and needs. You have interests and needs. Everyone has interests and needs. It is an aspect of our humanity. However, as Paul urged. . . “(3) Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant … [Read more...] about A MATTER OF INTEREST!