There is a big difference between a loose tongue and a loosed tongue. A loose tongue can quickly get one into deep trouble while a loosed tongue can be one set free for significant acknowledgment. Consider the following. In what may have been part of the early … [Read more...] about LOOSED TONGUE!
In the window of a New York store was a display of all kinds of crosses. Beneath the display was a sign which read, “Easy Terms”. Is that what we have been promised? Is that what the Lord accepted? Some are led to believe they can have a … [Read more...] about EASY TERMS?
To “rest assured” is to be sure or confident that something is true or is going to happen. It is to rest in the reality rather than to worry over the matter. When someone says, “rest assured”, they are expressing it is something one can count on. Therefore, lay anxiety aside and rest confidently in what is to … [Read more...] about REST IN THE REALITY!
There are those who seek what they want to find without being able to acknowledge what is before them. This was the case with some -- especially among the leaders -- during Jesus’ ministry on earth. In Mark’s Gospel we read. . . “(1) Again he entered the synagogue, and a man was there with a … [Read more...] about SEEK AND FIND!
People have long pondered, “What is the meaning of life?”. It is possible to sit looking around for a long time wondering about the meaning of it all. Perhaps reading through Solomon’s consideration of life in Ecclesiastes in the contrasts between living life “under the sun” (i.e. Ecclesiastes 1:3) or “under … [Read more...] about MEANINGFUL!