Some tasks and works get completed and we can sit back and appreciate what has been accomplished. However, there are some things which must be acknowledged as ongoing. It has been said, “People and relationships never stop being a work in progress.” … [Read more...] about PROGRESSING THE PROGRESS!
There are those who seek what they want to find without being able to acknowledge what is before them. This was the case with some -- especially among the leaders -- during Jesus’ ministry on earth. In Mark’s Gospel we read. . . “(1) Again he entered the synagogue, and a man was there with a … [Read more...] about SEEK AND FIND!
I love being out in nature hiking on trails through the woods, walking along rivers or streams, and moving up into the mountains. There are some places to which I love to return. However, I also love the adventure of hiking in new places where I get to wonder about what is around the next curve or over the next rise. And … [Read more...] about LIFE ADVENTURE!
The disciples asked and Jesus answered. . . “(1) At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (2) And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of … [Read more...] about CHILDLIKE MATURITY!
There are cultural ties to which one may hold that remind them of their roots even when living in a different country than their origin. Perhaps you are one of those people. Following customs, enjoying particular foods, engaging in cultural practices, etc., keep in remembrance the past to which one is connected … [Read more...] about TRUE TO OUR ROOTS!