In the beginning, God created every living creature and plant, and it was all good. He even created a beautiful garden (Genesis 2:8) wherein Adam and Eve lived until sin caused them to be driven out. (Genesis 3:23) God later revealed His plan -- first stated in a promise to Abraham (Genesis 17:8) and later to Moses (Exodus 3:8) … [Read more...] about GOD’S GARDEN!
Translations: NIV
The completed New International Version was published in 1978. It was edited by a committee from five English speaking countries representing 10 different churches. There are apparent flaws in this translation. In attempting to make passages more easily understood, it paraphrases, leaves out words given by God by inspiration, creating confusion and difficulty for many in … [Read more...] about Translations: NIV
Part of the message in the handwriting on the wall to King Belshazzar was that he had been weighed in the balance and been found wanting. (Daniel 5:27) Though his father, Nebuchadnezzar, had humbled himself (Daniel 5:18-21), Belshazzar did not (Daniel 5:22) and it brought his end. (Daniel 5:30) Nebuchadnezzar had duly … [Read more...] about NOT FOUND WANTING!
I recently heard someone state something along the line of “None of us have received from God everything He would like to give us.” Think about that. This was not a reference to everything we might want, but what God truly desires for us to have. God is the great giver of all good and perfect gifts. (James 1:17) … [Read more...] about UNLIMITED RESOURCE!
Sometimes to get someone to believe something we have to get them to take a look. Still, there must be a willingness to accept the proof seen. This is no more true than when it comes to believing in God as the Creator of the world and universe in which we … [Read more...] about TAKE A LOOK!